【论著】科研成果通报:研究生谭玥在国际期刊JORS发表研究成果|| Master’s Student Tan’s Pub. on JORS
发布者:沙晓燕 发布时间:2023-02-23 浏览次数:10
2023年1月,我院2021级硕士研究生谭玥与其导师王要玉教授和北京理工大学王建才教授以及赖福军教授合作的论文 "Uniform vs. Retailer-specific Pricing: How a Supplier Responds to the Dominant Retailers' Markup Pricing Strategy" 被《Journal of the Operational Research Society》(JORS)接收。JORS是运筹与管理科学领域的国际权威刊物,英国运筹学会的旗舰刊物,也是ABS认定的三星级期刊和FMS列表中的B类期刊。
In January2023, our master's student Yue Tan's paper, "Uniform vs. Retailer-specific Pricing: How a Supplier Responds to the Dominant Retailers' Markup Pricing Strategy", was accepted by the Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS). This is joint work with her supervisor Prof. Yaoyu Wang, Prof. Jiancai Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology), and Prof. Fujun Lai. JORS is a journal in operations research and management science, and the flagship journal of The Operational Research Society (ORS) . JORS is listed as a 3-star journal in ABS and a B journal in FMS.
This paper investigates how dominant retailers should choose appropriate markup pricing strategies (a fixed-dollar or a percentage markup) and how their suppliers respond by choosing wholesale pricing strategies (retailer-specific or uniform wholesale pricing). Our results show that the final equilibrium would be where the dominant retailers choose the percentage-markup variant. The supplier always responds by adopting a uniform pricing scheme regardless of competition level. This equilibrium enhances the supply chain efficiency and benefits the end consumers since it leads to the highest channel profits and the lowest retailing prices.
Yue Tan is a second-year master's student at the Business school, Soochow University. She received a Bachelor of Management degree in 2021. Her research interests include supply chain management and operations management.