【论著】科研成果通报:博士生尹巧一在国际期刊TFSC发表研究成果|| PhD Student Yin’s Pub. on TFSC
发布者:沙晓燕 发布时间:2023-02-17 浏览次数:10
2023年2月,博彩平台 博士研究生尹巧一与其导师赖福军教授、宋典教授以及美国南密西西比大学的Brian Collins教授,Ali Dogru博士合作的论文"Customizing Governance Mechanisms to Reduce Opportunism in Buyer-Supplier Relationships in the Digital Economy"被《Technological Forecasting and Social Change》(TFSC)接收。TFSC作为国际权威期刊,其2021年影响因子为10.884,是ABDC列表中的A期刊以及ABS 列表中的3星期刊。
In February 2023, our Ph.D. student Qiaoyi Yin's paper, "Customizing Governance Mechanisms to Reduce Opportunism in Buyer-Supplier Relationships in the Digital Economy", was accepted by Technological Forecasting and Social Change (TFSC). This is joint work with her advisor Prof. Fujun Lai, Prof. Dian Song, Prof. Brian J. Collins, and Dr. Ali K. Dogru (University of Southern Mississippi). TFSC is listed as an A journal in ABDC and a 3-star journal in ABS with an impact factor of 10.884 in 2021.
The study examines how firms can handle opportunism in supply chain relationships arising from digitalization imbalance between trading partners. Based on the transaction cost economics perspective, we identify five customized combinations of governance mechanisms. However, transactional mechanisms alone offer the best empirical explanation for lowering perceived opportunism than combinations of relational and transactional mechanisms. This study contributes to the literature on supply chain relationship management in the digital economy and provides practical guidance to help firms establish an appropriate governance structure to mitigate opportunism.
尹巧一是博彩平台-正规博彩平台 企业管理专业在读博士生。硕士毕业于安徽师范大学数学与统计学院。其研究兴趣包括供应链管理、开放式创新以及数字化转型。
Qiaoyi Yin isa Ph.D. student majoring in Business Management at Business School, Soochow University. She received a master's degree from the School of Mathematics & Statistics, Anhui Normal University. Her research interests include supply chain management, open innovation, and digital transformation.