发布者:殳妮 发布时间:2022-09-23 浏览次数:120
主办单位:博彩平台-正规博彩平台 Business School, Soochow University
Organizers: 江苏现代金融研究基地Modern Finance Research Center of Jiangsu Province
Theme: Future Finance
会议时间:2022年9月24 – 25日
Date: 24 – 25 September, 2022 (Beijing Time)
会议地点:苏州大学(开幕式)Soochow University (Opening Ceremony)
Location:腾讯会议/VooV Meeting & Zoom (Online)
In recent years, with the continuous development of big data technology and the comprehensive promotion of China's 3060 goals, Financial Technology, Digital Finance, Low-carbon Finance, Digital Currency, and Inclusive Finance have flourished, and the comprehensive combination of finance and technology has spawned a series of new financial formats. The innovative development of finance requires the innovation of financial theory, which puts forward new topics for financial research.
为了更好地解决金融发展中出现的新问题,服务江苏省金融发展的需求,2019年成立了江苏省现代金融研究基地。基地通过凝聚博彩平台-正规博彩平台 、江苏省财政厅、中国社会科学院财经战略研究院三方优质资源,整合国内金融学界与省内实际工作部门的研究力量,实施“政产学研用”协作化攻关、智库化咨询、平台化运作。基地设立以来,通过智库报告、承担课题、举办论坛和讲座、发表学术论文等形式,积极服务江苏省金融业的发展。基地所依托的苏州大学金融学科设立于1992年,2000年获得了江苏省第一个金融学博士学位授权点。30年来,金融学专业为社会培养了一大批栋梁之才,推动了社会经济和金融事业的发展。
In order to better solve the new problems arising in financial development and to serve the needs of financial development in Jiangsu Province, the Jiangsu Modern Finance Research Center was established in 2019. By condensing the high-quality resources of the Business School of Soochow University, the Finance Department of Jiangsu Province, and the NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ECONOMIC STRATEGY of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Center integrates the research strength of domestic financial circles and the actual work departments in Jiangsu Province, and implements the government, industry, university, research and application collaborative research, think tank consultation, and platform operation. Since the establishment of the Center, it has actively served the development of the financial industry in Jiangsu Province through think tank reports, undertaking projects, holding forums and lectures, and publishing academic papers. The Finance discipline of Soochow University, on which the Center is based, was established in 1992, and in 2000 it became the first institute in Jiangsu Province that was authorized to offer doctoral degree in Finance. In the past 30 years, the Finance major has cultivated a large number of talents for the society and promoted the development of social economy and finance.
“2022年现代金融研究基地年会暨未来金融国际研讨会”由博彩平台-正规博彩平台 、江苏现代金融研究基地主办,会议以“未来金融”为主题,聚焦金融理论与实践的创新,涵盖金融科技、数字金融、低碳金融、数字货币和普惠金融,为国内外学者搭建学术交流平台,积极探索现代金融的理论体系,以期为金融发展提供理论基础和实践指导。
The “2022 Annual Meeting of Modern Finance Research Center & International Symposium on Future Finance” is held by Business School, Soochow University and the Modern Finance Research Center of Jiangsu Province. The purpose of the conference is to provide a series of high-level academic exchanges and learning platforms for scientific researchers in modern finance. With the theme Future Finance , the conference aims to actively explore the theoretical foundation and practical guidance for the development of modern finance, and to promote the research collaborations among scholars in China and other countries worldwide.
会议形式Format:线上线下相结合Online and On-site
Address (for Opening Ceremony): EMBA Room, 3/F, Finance & Economics Museum, Soochow University
在线会议信息Online meeting information:
Day 1 –Sep. 24, 2022
上午AM (VooV)
会议时间Date & Time:2022/09/24 09:00-12:00 (GMT+08:00)
腾讯会议链接VooV Meeting Link: //meeting.tencent.com/dm/9ny67m1n73Nh
腾讯会议VooV Meeting ID: 149-524-771
下午PM (Zoom)
会议时间Date & Time:2022/09/24 13:30-21:00 (GMT+08:00)
Zoom会议链接Zoom Meeting Link: //zoom.us/j/94915943310?pwd=R01jd1dsQnJIeEpvRWdUeHNSL0hCQT09
Zoom会议号Zoom Meeting ID: 949 1594 3310(密码Password:600599)
Day 2 –Sep. 25, 2022
上午AM (VooV)
会议时间Date & Time:2022/09/25 08:00-11:00 (GMT+08:00)
腾讯会议链接VooV Meeting Link:
腾讯会议号VooV Meeting ID: 502-708-275
[Manual] International Symposium on Future Finance 2022.09.24-25.pdf