Business School of Soochow University Earns BGA Accreditation
announcer: 殳妮 release time: 2023-02-21 views: 10
The Business School of Soochow University has received the confirmation from the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and Business Graduates Association (BGA) with the Award of BGA Accreditation, 15 February 2023.
The Association of MBAs (AMBA) is a universally accepted accreditation established in 1967. AMBA accreditation service is the global standard for all MBA, DBA, and Master's degrees, currently accrediting programs from the top 2% of Business Schools in more than 75 countries. The verdict to embark on an MBA represents a primary vow for students. Accreditation gives business schools a worldwide appreciation, as it recognizes the best programs from the thousands available.
BGA accreditation is designed to provide both quality assurance and quality enhancement mechanisms for institutions worldwide. This ensures the value of the qualification for potential students, graduates, employers and society. Accreditation plays a key role in informing prospective students and employers about the quality of the institution and its programmes. BGA accreditation is focused on continuous improvement, positive impact, and responsible management.