Notification of Scientific Research Achievements: Prof. Chen’s Research Results Published on MISQ
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Notification of Scientific Research Achievements: Prof. Chen’s Research Results Published on MISQ
In September 2022, Prof. Dongyu Chen’s paper, entitled “Peer-to-peer loan fraud detection: Constructing features from transaction data”, is published in MIS Quarterly (MISQ). This is joint work with Prof. Jennifer Xu (Bentley University), Prof. Michael Chau (The University of Hong Kong), Prof. Haichao Zheng, and Dr. Liting, Li (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics). MISQ is a journal listed in UTD24 and FT50.
This paper aims to detect loan fraud in the online peer-to-peer market. It proposes a method to identify fraudulent cues through behavioral features. The evaluation results show that combining these additional features with the baseline features significantly enhances detection performance. This research contributes novel knowledge to the financial fraud detection literature and practice. This research is partly funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China under grants #71771159 and #72071160 and by the Chinese Ministry of Education under grant #18YJAZH142.
Prof. Dongyu Chen obtained his Ph.D. from Beihang University. His research interests include online lending, crowdfunding, and information management. He has received two research grants from the National Natural Science Fund of China. His work on these topics has been published in MIS Quarterly, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, and other outlets.
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