
    【论著】科研成果通报:刘忠志博士在国际期刊IJOPM发表研究成果|| Dr. Liu’s Pub. on IJOPM

    发布者:沙晓燕   发布时间:2024-01-30   浏览次数:26

    20241月,智慧供应链研究中心研究员刘忠志副教授与博士生尹巧一合作(Liu, Z., Lai, F., and Yin, Q.*)的论文Follow the Leader (or not): The Influence of Superstars on Crowd Size in Crowdsourcing Contests被《International Journal of Operations and Production Management》(IJOPM)接收。IJOPM是运营管理领域权威期刊,是ABS列表中的4星期刊,其2022年影响因子为9.9 

    In Jan 2024, Dr. Zhongzhi Liu’s paper, “Follow the Leader (or not): The Influence of Superstars on Crowd Size in Crowdsourcing Contests”, was accepted by the International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM). This is joint work with Ph.D. student Qiaoyi Yin and Prof. Fujun Lai. IJOPM is an ABS-4 ranked journal in operations management, with an impact factor of 9.9 in 2022.



    This paper examines the impact of superstars’ participation on the crowd size in crowdsourcing innovation contests. Based on social contagion theory, empirical results reveal that superstars’ participation positively affects the crowd size of a contest in general. This finding suggests that social contagion is a fundamental mechanism underlying crowd formation in crowdsourcing contests. Our results also indicate that in contests involving multiple superstars, superstars’ effect on crowd size becomes negative when we simultaneously consider other solvers’ heterogeneity regarding skills, exposure, and cultural background. This negative effect will be intensified by increases in the skill gap, extent of exposure, and cultural proximity between superstars and other solvers in the same contest. Our research is meaningful for sourcing managers and platform supervisors to design contests and supervise crowd size in crowdsourcing contests.


    刘忠志,博彩平台-正规博彩平台 副教授,智慧供应链研究中心研究员,美国亚利桑那州立大学供应链管理博士。主要研究领域包含开放式创新、供应链管理、大规模制造等。所著论文发表于《Journal of Operations Management》、《Journal of Supply Chain Management》、《IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management》、《International Journal of Production Economics》等期刊上。

    Prof. Zhongzhi Liu is an Associate Professor at the Business School, Soochow University. He received his Ph.D. in Management from Arizona State University. His research focuses on open innovation, supply chain management, and lean production. His work has been published in the Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Production Economics, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, etc.

    尹巧一是博彩平台-正规博彩平台 企业管理专业在读博士生。硕士毕业于安徽师范大学数学与统计学院。主要研究兴趣包括供应链管理、开放式创新以及数字化转型。其研究成果发表在《International Journal of Operations and Production Management,Technological Forecasting & Social Change》等期刊上。 

    Qiaoyi Yin isa Ph.D. student at the Soochow University Business School. She received a master’s degree from the School of Mathematics & Statistics, Anhui Normal University. Her research interests include supply chain management, open innovation, and digital transformation. She has published papers in the International Journal of Operations and Production Management and Technological Forecasting & Social Change, among others.
