
    【会议】学术研讨会 2023/12/13

    发布者:沙晓燕   发布时间:2023-12-12   浏览次数:10



    RCSSC Seminars (Fall, 2023)


        间:  北京时间20231213日,11:30 AM -12:30 PM

        点:  财科馆 317

    汇报人:  梁永恒 博士

        题:  Understanding and Nudging Consumer Reactions to Near-Expired Products

    Yongheng LIANG obtained his Ph.D. degree in Marketing at Fudan University. His research interests include consumer behavior, food waste, and creativity, etc. He has published papers in Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, and other journals. He actively presents his research at top academic conferences like Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference and others. In addition, he serves as a reviewer for Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Marketing Science, and other journals.
