
    博彩平台 学术讲座——Professor Chew Soo Hong 周恕弘教授

    发布者:殳妮   发布时间:2024-08-31   浏览次数:10



    主持人:沈建成教授(博彩平台-正规博彩平台 )

    讲座题目:Intelligence Darwinism: Decision Quality Shapes Natural Selection delivering Biodiversity


    Building on Andler’s (2017) idea of situation intelligence (SI) encompassing standard measures in terms of multiple abilities, we observe that the capacity for intelligence relates to the organism’s information capacity derived from its brain (synaptic) plasticity. We offer an extension of SI for individual organisms to collective intelligence (CI) for groups, from family and organization to society and state and even to our species, with which to explore the intriguing idea of Intelligence Darwinism and demonstrate how information and intelligence capacities working in tandem shapes natural selection through inter- and intra-species competition thereby delivering biodiversity. With engaging examples and simple explanations, we seek to unravel the ways in which intelligent decision making delivers survival of the smartest from the lowly worm, C. Elegans, whose brain has 302 neurons and about 7000 synapses to homo sapiens being endowed with 86 billion neurons and more than 100 trillion synapses. It has not escaped our attention that this research has natural implications for what AI may portend for the future of our species.


    周恕弘教授是新加坡国立大学的荣休教授、西南财经大学中国行为经济与行为金融研究中心特聘主任,计量经济学会院士、经济学理论促进学会(SAET)院士(Fellow),世界著名的实验经济学家和行为经济学家,曾执教于美国亚利桑那大学、约翰·霍普金斯大学、加州大学尔湾分校、香港科技大学。其在经济学以及其他学科顶级权威期刊比如Econometrica,Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies,Journal of Economic Theory,Neuron,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,Management Science等发表过论文七十余篇,并主持过一项国家自然科学基金重大项目。